The Hunt of the Unicorn

The Cloisters...

Temple of Hermeticism

- 2 -


A lot of legends...

(should refer to pages 7 - 8 - 10a - 14 a et b - 15d)

In the Tapestry 2

1- the unicorn is at once
- Noah's Ark
- The Golden Calf
- The Trojan Horse
- The bull of Mithras

2- the main events in the life of Moses
- The manna in the desert
- The Golden Calf
- The Brazen Serpent
- Water from the rock

3- the construction of the Ark by Noah
man in the lower left will drown :
God causes the flood to punish the wickedness and perversity of humans (Genesis, chapters 6 to 9)

4- the figure of the "traitor" (always and everywhere) is represented
- The Judas of the Bible
- The Trojan prince Antenor from the Iliad
- Charles the Bold (Louis XI = unicorn hindquarters lifted, said : "kiss my ass")

5- The presence
- St. Peter, knife in hand
- And Pico della Mirandola, a lover of ancient religions

6- Representation of the Order of St. Michael




The 4 ideograms hermetic


the triangle
the cross
Solomon's seal :
a double triangle
an uncompleted cross

Tapestry 2

Tapestry 3

the circle
the rectangle

the crown of thorns
and the curve of the hunters (the shield of Achilles) :
an uncompleted circle

the barrier of roses :
an uncompleted rectangle

Tapestry 4

Tapestry 5


or together in the tapestry 2




Crossing the Red Sea

One of the most famous events of the life of Moses is certainly "Sharing the Red Sea" during the exodus from Egypt.

The Bible tells this legend in Exodus, Chapters 4 and 15 where the word "char" is used 12 times and the word "Pharaoh" 15 times :

The circle of the edge of the fountain could be one of the chariot wheels of Pharaoh might seem to be trying to whip the unicorn to hasten its course.




The U.S. dollar has the Masonic symbol (?) of an unfinished pyramid on top of which there is an EYE in an equilateral triangle. Look forward to : there are 13 levels of stones and tapestry 2 includes two hunters and the Unicorn 12 (the 12 apostles and Jesus).

Here is our pyramid on the front of our Hermes-Mercury-Thoth-Michel.
surmounted by the eye of Providence (the eye of the painter-creator).

The websites about the Great Seal claim that the unfinished pyramid is topped by the eye in the triangle. Absolutely not ! It is written in Latin "Annuit Coeptis". From the Latin annuo (to approve) and cœpio (to begin, to undertake), it literally means someone or something "approve the things that were started", which means that the Supreme Being in heaven approves and promotes our enterprise. The pyramid is on earth and the eye at thousands and thousands of miles up in the background.
The proof is in the tapestry 2 The Fountain : the eye in the triangle is not the top of the pyramid.


I think the thesis of Howard COMEAU is : the tapestry of The Hunt of the Unicorn is the origin of the symbolism of the Great Seal of the U.S.A. and of the pyramidal emblem worn on the American dollar :

"Just to be clear, what I am claiming is that the Great Seal of the United States is derived from the tapestry The Foutain, but I am also claiming that the design created by Benjamin Franklin that was rejected is ALSO derived from this this same tapestry The Fountain "



The Great Seal of the United States of America


Howard says : "I never understood the importance of The Great Seal of the United States. I always thought it was a picture, a symbol, and when the president adresses the citizens, it is on the lectern in front of him. But learn that it is a cornerstone document in the foundation of my country.

After the Declaration of Independence, and bore the writitng of the Constitution, we wanted to tell England, the world, and ourselves, that WE ARE GOING FROM NOW ON, AS AN INDEPENDENT NATION, TO CONCLUDE OUR OWN TREATES BY OURSELVES. Now I understand : it is a seal to sign the documents of the State."

A committee of four men responsible for submitting an original drawing each designed the great seal of the United States of America. Benjamin Franklin was a member of that committee.

Benjamin Franklin
in his costume of a Freemason

Project submitted by Benjamin Franklin for the Great Seal:
"Moses, Pharaoh and the biblical passage of the Red Sea"

"rebellion to tyrants is obedience to god"

The question is : in the years 1770 to 1790, did U.S. nationals Freemasons, including Benjamin Franklin, saw The Hunt in Paris, before shegoes tot the Castel of Verteuil ? (see end of page 10) And did they have deciphered one of the meanings ?



Benjamin Franklin and the La Rochefoucauld family

Benjamin Franklin was friends with members of the La Rochefoucauld family.

Inventor of the lightning rod, "which leads him to encounter the greatest scholars of his time, Benjamin Franklin was also a diplomat. He came to France to plead the cause of independence of English colonies in America in the years 1770 to 1790, he binds with all that Paris has to philosophers, scientists, inventors, he meets in the living room of the Duchesse d'Enville and his son, the Duc de La Rochefoucauld, street of the Seine. "

He becomes friends with :

duke Louis Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld. Seduced by the American Revolution, he translates with Benjamin Franklinand and publishes the first Constitutions of the Thirteen United States of America written by Franklin in Paris in 1778.

his wife, Alexandrine-Charlotte-Sophie, who liked to discuss politics with him in his living room street of the Seine in Paris.

François XII Alexandre Frédéric de La Rochefoucauld (1747-1827)

During the Revolution, he embarked at Le Havre for England where he stayed until 1794 in the small town of Bury. Then he left Europe in 1794 for the United States that he traveled as an observer. He returned to Europe in late 1798, trip to Holland, in northern Germany and Denmark. At the end of the twentieth century, his descendants have transferred his rich library of several thousand books in a hall in a castle tower of La Rochefoucauld in the Charente, birthplace of the family, where The Hunt the Unicorn remained until 1922, when they were purchased by John D. Rockefeller Junior.


"The American Revolution, which preceded the French Revolution has influenced debates of the Constituent Assembly about the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Among the deputies were in fact thirteen men who went to America North or who admire the American Revolution : this informal group of "Americans" consists of nobles sent to America, as officers, by King Louis XVI to support the American War of Independence. It included the Marquis de La Fayette, Viscount de Noailles (who proposed the end of seigneurial rights and privileges on Aug. 4, 1789), brothers Lameth, the Marquis de Segur, the Count Mathieu de Montmorency, the Duke de la Rochefoucauld d'Enville (who translates the American Constitution of 1787 in French) ; can be added the Marquis de Condorcet, who published The Influence of the revolution of America on Europe. "





anne de beaujeu, anne de bourbon, anne de France, antoine le viste, Apocalypse Angers athena, boussac, brandon, charles brandon, charles quint, charles v, chasse a la licorne, cinq sens, claude de France, cloisters, connetable de bourbon, dame, duc de suffolk, françois 1er, george sand, gout, henri VIII, henry VIII, jean le viste, jean Perréal, jehan de paris, le viste, licorne, lion, louis XII, louise de savoie, marie tudor, mary tudor, minerve, miroir de naples, chambord, musée de cluny, nombre d'or, odorat, ouie, pavie, Perréal, perréal, Pierre de beaujeu, La rochefoucauld, hardouin IX de Maille, Louis 1er d'Anjou, Grégoire XI, Urbain VI, Francesco Petrarca, François Pétrarque, Catherine de Sienne, Brigitte de Suède, Avignon, palais des papes, comtat venaissin, prosper merimee, suffolk, tapisserie, tenture, vue, connetable von bourbon, das sehvermögen, das zelt, der dame à la licorne, der gehörsinn, der geruchssinn, der geschmackssinn, der tastsinn, einhorn, einhorndame, franz den ersten, herzog von suffolk, karl v, löwe, mein einziges verlangen, museum von cluny, spiegel von neapel, tapisserien, anne of bourbon, anne of france, claude of france, connetable of bourbon, duke of Suffolk, francis the 1st, golden section, hearing, jehan of paris, louise of savoy, mirror of naples, musee of cluny, pavia, sight, smell, tapestry, taste, tent, the hase of the unicorn, the lady and the unicorn, touch, unicorn, dama al unicornio, museo de cluny, tapicerías, museo de la edad media y de thermes de cluny, la caza al unicornio, el gusto, el oído, la vista, espejo de napoles, duque de suffolk, el olfalto, el tacto, la carpa, mi deseo unico, carlos v, condestable de borbon, atenas, la signora all'unicorna, tappezzeria, Jehan di Parigi, Claudia di Francia, François 1o, Museo del Medioevo, la caccia all'unicorno, la storia di Persée, il gusto, l'udito, regina bianca, Louise della Savoia, la vista, lo Specchio di Napoli, duca di Suffolk, l'odorato, il contatto, Pavia, Carlo V, Connétable di Bourbon